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. . . . . . . the amazing Electronic Water Descaler

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Magnetic Water Conditioner

Are you tired of your water being hard?  You have probably noticed a lot of things around the house like your laundry, your own skin, and your sinks do not look clean seconds after they have been washed.  Water has natural minerals that will occur.  Unfortunately in hard water there is an overabundance of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium.  Both of these minerals can lead to lime scale and more importantly they can leave your sinks and water fixtures looking spotty.  Your clothes may also not come clean as a result of the minerals. 
What you see is a small amount of the problem when you consider what happens to the pipes.  Your pipes will also have a build up of these ions.  As the water runs through the pipes they will become more clogged.  Eventually you may have trouble with blocked pipes where you are not getting any water and need to call a plumber.  You may also notice that your water pressure has changed in recent years as the build up gets more intense. 
There is an answer for this problem.  You can purchase a magnetic water conditioner.  There is a lot of information circling around about magnetic water conditioners and whether they work.  The general consensus from most articles is that there is little scientific fact to back up the water conditioner and that most do not see a great deal of change in their water.  We are going to help qualify this information. 
First the amount of minerals in your water can vary.  If you have a very high concentration it can be more difficult for the water conditioner to work effectively.  This means for some individuals the water conditioner is not the best option.  There are a few scientific findings regarding water conditioners stating that they do work, so experts have tested the theory.
Now, a water conditioner does not work like a water softener or descaler, and both products will be more effective.  They are also a little more expensive than the water conditioner.  In fact the water softener is a few hundred pounds.  Knowing this you will have to decide what product will fit your budget and work best for you.  The water descaler is not too much more than the water conditioner and it has generally been more effective. 
The magnetic water conditioner will fit over the pipe, encasing the pipe in the middle of the conditioner.  When the conditioner is fitted over the pipe it will begin to magnetise the water flowing through the pipe.  Well, more correctly it will affect the calcium and magnesium ions.  The magnetic force will change the magnesium and calcium ion composition so that it can no longer bind to the edge of the pipes.  Instead it will allow the ions to flow with the water and out through your pipes.  The build up in your pipes will eventually dissipate and you will no longer have an extreme limescale issue because the water will become soft.

Fit an Eddy to reduce hard water problems.

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Introduction | What Makes Water Hard? | Hard Water Regions in the UK | Is Hard Water Bad For You? | How You Can Know If You Have Hard Water
Limescale | Effects of Limescale | Effects of Hard Water | Various Methods Of Water Treatment | A Quick Guide to Common Water Treatment Devices | Benefits of a Limescale-Free House